1. afford
I can't afford to
buy it.
2. agree
They agreed to help
3. appear
She appears to be tired.
4. arrange
I'll arrange to
meet you at the
5. ask
He asked to come with
6. can't bear·*
I can't bear to
wait in long lines.
7. beg
He begged to come with
8. begin*
It began to rain.
9. care
I don't care to see
that show.
10. claim
She claims to know a
famous movie
11. consent
She finally consented
to marry him.
12. continue*
He continued to
13. decide
I have decided to
leave on Monday.
14. demand
I demand to know who
is responsible.
15. deserve
She deserves to win
the prize.
16. expect
I expect to enter
graduate school in
the fall.
17. fail
She failed to
return the book to
the library on time.
18. forget*
I forgot to mail
the letter.
19. hate*
I hate to make
silly mistakes.
20. hesitate
Don't hesitate to ask for my help.
21. hope
Jack hopes to
arrive next week.
22. learn
He learned to play the
23. like*
I like to go to
the movies.
24. love*
I love to go to
25. manage
She managed to
finish her work early.
26. mean
I didn't mean to
hurt your feelings.
27. need
I need to have your
28. offer
They offered to
help us.
29. plan
I am planning to
have a party.
30. prefer*
Ann prefers to walk
to work.
31. prepare
We prepared to
welcome them.
32. pretend
He pretends not to
33. promise
I promise not to be
34. refuse
I refuse to believe
his story.
35. regret*
I regret to tell
you that you failed.
36. remember*
I remembered to
lock the door.
37. seem
Theat cat seems to
be friendly
38. cant' stand*
I can't stand to
wait in long lines.
39. start*
It started to rain.
40. struggle
I struggled to stay
41. swear
She swore to tell
the truth.
42. threaten
She threatened to
tell my parents.
43. try*
I'm trying to learn
44. volunteer
He volunteered to
help us.
45. wait
I will wait to hear
from you.
46. want
I want to tell
you something.
47. wish
She wishes to come
with us.
Penjelasan: Kata kerja yang ditandai dengan sebuah bullet (*) juga bisa diikuti verb infinitive. Kata kerja yang berwarna merah mempunyai arti yang berbeda ketika diikuti verb gerunda atau verb infinitive.
- Forget
a) I often forget to lock the door. (saya sering lupa untuk mengunci pintu) b) I'll never forget seeing America for the first time. (saya tidak akan pernah melupakan kenangan Amerika ketika aku melihatnya untuk pertama kalinya) Forget + infinitive bermakan lupa untuk melakukan sebuah kewajiban/tugas. Forget + gerund bermakna melupakan sesuatu yang terjadi di masa lampau. Forget + gerund biasanya hanya teradi pada kalimat negativedan question.
- Prefer
a) I prefer staying home to going to the concert. b) I prefer to stay home than go to the concert. Forget + gerund atau forget + infinitive mempunyai makna yang tidak berbeda. Perbedaannya terletak pada bentuk struktur kalimatnya. Perhatikan TO dan THAN. To dan than diatas bermakna daripada.
- Regret
a) We regret to tell you that you failed the test.(kami menyesal harus mengatakan bahwa Anda tidak lulus) b) I regret telling him the secret. He told every one about that secret. (saya menyesal telah menceritakan rahasia itu kepadanya. Dia menceritakan semua orang tentang rahasia itu) Regret + infinitive bermakna menceritakan suatu kabar buruk/tidak sesuai harapan. Regret + gerund bermakna menyesal atas kejadian yang telah terjadi.
- Remember
a) Mike always remembers to lock the door. (Mike selalu ingat untuk mengunci pintu) b) I remember seeing my wife for the first time. She looked so beautiful. (saya mengenang kenangan ketika saya melihat istri saya untuk pertama kalinya. Dia nampak begitu cantik) Remember + infinitive bermakna ingat untuk melakukan tugas. Remember + gerund bermakna mengenang kejadian masa lalu.
- Stop
a) My grandma stopped smoking when he was 30. (kakek saya berhenti merokok ketika berumur 30 tahun) b) When I was walking down the street, I stopped to talk to my old friend. (ketika saya sedang jalan-jalan, saya berhenti untuk berbicara ke seorang teman lama saya) Stop + gerund bermakna berhenti. Stop + infinitive bermakna berhenti dengan tujuan.
- Try
a) I'm trying to learn English. b) The room was hot. I tried opening the window, but that didn't help. So I tried turning on the fan, but I was still hot. Finally, I turned on the air conditioner. Try + infinitive bermakna mencoba. Try + gerunda bermakna bereksperimen atau mencoba dengan cara yang baru/berbeda untuk tahu apa berhasil atau tidak.
Muhammad Ahkam Arifin
Muhammad Ahkam Arifin is a Fulbright PhD student at Washington State University, US. He earned a master`s degree in TESOL from the University of Edinburgh & Applied Linguistics from the University of Melbourne.
Dear tutor,saya belum mengerti ttg kata kerja bila diikuti gerund atau to infinitive mempunyai arti yg berbeda.seperti pd forget yg telah diteeangkan diatas.bisa enggak kata forget diikuti kata kerja yg sama.dan bagaimana aetinya.
BalasHapusContoh:-I forgot to lock the door yesterday.
-I forgot locking the door yesterday.
Bagaimana pendapat tutor ttg kedua kalimat tsb.trimakasih
forget + to inf = lupa/tidak mengingat
Hapusforget + gerund = berhenti memikirkan/mengenang sesuatu atau seseorang