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Although VS Despite / In spite of

Even though, although, though, despite, dan in spite of mempunyai makna yang sama yaitu 'walaupun'. Hanya saja bentuk penggunaan atau fungsinya dalam kalimat terdapat perbedaan. Kata-kata tersebut terbagi dalam dua kategori: 1. even though, although, dan though; 2. despite dan in spite of.

  1. Even though, although, dan though
    Ke tiga kata penghubung tersebut mempunyai bentuk atau fungsi yang sama, jadi bisa dipertukarkan satu sama lain. Ke 3 kata tersebut termasuk dalam kata penghubung adverb clause.
    Although + Clause (terdiri dari S + V)
    a) Although it's cold, I went swimming.
    b) Though it's cold, I went swimming.
    c) Even though it's cold, I went swimming.
    d) I went swimming although it's cold.
    e) I went swimming though it's cold.
    f) I went swimming even though it's cold.

    *a,b, dan c terdapat koma karena kata penghubungnya even though, although, dan though berada di awal kalimat.
  2. Despite dan In spite of
    Ke dua kata ini mempunyai bentuk atau fungsi yang sama, jadi bisa dipertukarkan satu sama lain. Ke 2 kata ini termasuk dalam preposition.

    Despite + Noun atau Noun Phrase (tidak terdiri dari S + V)

    a) Despite the cold weather, I went swimming.
    b) In spite of the cold weather, I went swimming.
    c) I went swimming despite the cold weather.
    d) I went swimming in spite of the cold weather.

    *a,dan b terdapat koma karena kata depan/preposisi despite dan in spite of berada di awal kalimat.

    Jadi, tentu saja prepsition (despite dan in spite of) dan adverb clause (even though, although, dan though) keduanya tidak bisa dipertukarkan. Masing-masing punya aturan
Muhammad Ahkam Arifin
Muhammad Ahkam Arifin Muhammad Ahkam Arifin is a Fulbright PhD student at Washington State University, US. He earned a master`s degree in TESOL from the University of Edinburgh & Applied Linguistics from the University of Melbourne.

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