Contoh teks news item dan pembahasan jawaban: Migrants` protection
Berikut salah satu contoh teks news item beserta soal dan pembahasan jawaban dengan topik: migrants` protection. Soal berikut bersumber dari Ujian Nasional tahun ajaran 2019.
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Read the following text and answer questions 1 to 4.
HRWG program manager Daniel Awigra said that the committee may push countries, including Indonesia, to align their laws with universal standards, as cited in the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families.
“In our report submitted to the committee, we urge the committee to recommend that the government [heed] the convention in the revision of the 2004 Law on the Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers,” Daniel said in a statement on Thursday.
He added that the revision had been deliberated at the House of Representatives. The latest draft, however, still favored private recruitment agencies and lacked tight standards in the recruitment process, he said.
The UN committee will hold a dialogue for the first time with Indonesia on September 4 to 6 in Geneva, Switzerland, regarding the government’s progress in implementing the multilateral convention on migrant worker protection. In April, Indonesia sent an initial report to the committee as a requirement for countries that have ratified the convention, (kuk/bbs).
1. What does the writer tell the news for?
A. For showing that migrant workers need protection.
B. For telling about migrant worker’s movement.
C. For presenting migrant workers with regulation.
D. For reviewing the need of revising regulation for migrant workers.
E. For informing about what the government needs to do with laws for migrant workers.
2. After reading the news, the readers most likely ....
A. will go to the UN meeting on migrant workers.
B. may be aspired to be a migrant worker.
C. find a migrant work to motivate him to work.
D. apply for any job opportunities available.
E. support the government to revise laws on migrant workers.
3. The underlined word in paragraph three refers to...,
A. Human Rights Working Group
B. house of Representatives
C. private agencies
D. migrant’s families
E. migrant workers
4. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
A. Multilateral convention is held in a neutral country.
B. UN’s plan to talk with Indonesia on migrant workers' protection.
C. Countries to join the convention need to meet a set of requirements.
D. The government takes steps to solve the problem of migrant workers.
E. The UN committee will talk about Indonesia’s progress on.
Pembahasan kunci jawaban
Nomor 1
Jawaban nomor 1 adalah E (for informing about what the government needs to do with laws for migrant workers).
Letak jawaban dibahas di beberapa paragraf, termasuk dari:
`... for the country to revise its regulations on the protection of migrant workers’ rights` [paragraph 1]
(Terjemahan: bagi untuk merevisi peraturan tentang perlindungan hak-hak pekerja migran).
' ... push countries, including Indonesia, to align their laws with universal standards' [paragraph 2]
(Terjemahan: mendorong negara-negara, termasuk Indonesia, untuk menyesuaikan undang-undang mereka sesuai dengan standar universal).
Nomor 2
Jawaban nomor 2 adalah E (support the government to revise laws on migrant workers). News item di atas memperlihatkan bagaimana HRWG mendorong pemerintah untuk merevisi regulasi terkait perlindungan migrant. Salah satu alasan perlunya ada revisi ialah:
He added that the revision had been deliberated at the House of Representatives. The latest draft, however, still favored private recruitment agencies and lacked tight standards in the recruitment process, he said. [paragraph 4](Terjemahan: Dia menambahkan, revisi tersebut sudah dibahas di DPR. Akan tetapi, draft terbaru masih cenderung berpihak pada para agen perekrutan swasta dan tidak memiliki standar yang ketat dalam proses perekrutan, katanya).
Nomor 3
Jawaban nomor 3 adalah A (Human Rights Working Group).
Nomor 4
Jawaban nomor ialah B (UN’s plan to talk with Indonesia on migrant workers' protection). Hal ini jelas disampaikan di kalimat pertama di paragraf 4.
The UN committee will hold a dialogue for the first time with Indonesia on September 4 to 6 in Geneva, Switzerland, regarding the government’s progress in implementing the multilateral convention on migrant worker protection
(Terjemahan: Komite PBB akan mengadakan dialog untuk pertama kalinya dengan Indonesia pada 4-6 September di Jenewa, Swiss, mengenai kemajuan pemerintah dalam mengimplementasikan konvensi multilateral tentang perlindungan pekerja migran).
Keyword: contoh teks news item; news item text; contoh soal dan jawaban teks news item; pembahasan kunci jawaban teks news item.
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