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Soal dan Jawaban bahasa Inggris festival pelajar SMK (Announcement)

Soal dan Jawaban bahasa Inggris festival pelajar SMK (Announcement)

     SMK Madania (1) . . . hold ‘The Alumni Reunion 2016” on June 6th, 2018 at 8 a.m. at the park of SMK Madania. On This occasion, we would like to invite you to come and share your experience and your success stories. All alumni are asked to renew our commitment for a better future.

     The registration fee is Rp.300.000,- per person payable (2)... the venue. The charges include an alumni Jacket, alumni ID, alumni souvenir, and lunch. We look forward to seeing you soon.
RSVP by April 10th, 2018 to smkmadania@gmail.com

     Contact person. Mr. Subhan (081242334343).

Pilihan jawaban untuk nomor 1.
A. must
B. will
C. should
D. may

Pilihan jawaban untuk nomor 1.
A. on
B. in
C. above
D. at
Muhammad Ahkam Arifin
Muhammad Ahkam Arifin Muhammad Ahkam Arifin is a Fulbright PhD student at Washington State University, US. He earned a master`s degree in TESOL from the University of Edinburgh & Applied Linguistics from the University of Melbourne.

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