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Contoh teks letter beserta pembahasan jawaban: Business meeting

Berikut kami bagikan satu contoh teks letter beserta pembahasan jawaban. Soal berikut bersumber dari naskah asli soal Ujian Nasional tahun ajaran 2019.

The text is for questions 1 and 2.

Global Com
Hero Street No. 27
August 26, 2018

Agung Jaya Group
Chang Widodo
Berlian Street No. 290
587554 Surabaya

SUBJECT: Business Meeting

Dear Sir,

Referring to our discussion last Tuesday, we take this opportunity to invite you to the project kick-off meeting to be held on Wednesday, September 5, 2018.

The meeting is intended to gather potential stakeholders in order to create strategies and design fertile environment that support synergies for all involved parties and community in general. The meeting will be held in Jakarta, starting from 09.00 am to 11.00 am.

We are looking forward to more fruitful business deals and a great association with you in the days ahead.

Please confirm your attendance by e-mail (meetingjakarta@ global.co.id) or on the following phone number (021-56785648). If you need further information or assistance, do not hesitate to contact me.


Cahyo Santosa
Regional Manager

1. Why does Mr. Santosa send the letter?
A. Gathering potential stakeholders in order to create business strategies.
B. Inviting Mr. Widodo to a project kick-off meeting.
C. Supporting all involved parties and community in general.
D. Requesting Mr. Widodo to support the meeting.
E. Establishing cooperation with a foreign company.

2. The underlined word in “Please confirm your attendance” (paragraph 4) is closest in meaning to…
A. reserve.
B. propose.
C. ensure.
D. arrange.
E. apply.

Pembahasan jawaban

Soal nomor 1
Surat ini ditujukan ke Mr Widodo untuk mengundangnya mengikuti rapat, sesuai yang disampaikan di awal surat.
Referring to our discussion last Tuesday, we take this opportunity to invite you to the project kick-off meeting to be held on Wednesday, September 5, 2018.
Soal nomor 2
Di antara pilihan jawaban, hanya kata `ensure` (memastikan/pastikan) yang nampak paling memungkinkan sebagai sinonim dari kata `confirm` (konfirmasi).
  • reserve = memesan
  • propose = mengajukan; melamar
  • arrange = mengatur
  • apply = mendaftar; menerapkan

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