Contoh Congratulation Card beserta pembahasan kunci jawaban: Yudhistiro
Berikut kami berikan contoh short functional text berbentuk greeting/congratulation card. Soal ini bersumber dari soal Ujian Nasional SMP atau MTs tahun ajaran 2018.
The following text is for questions 1 to 3.
Dear Yudhistiro, Finally, you did it! You have finished your study with flying color. Your achievement proves you're the best! You really deserve it, buddy. CONGRATULATIONS! Love, Mom and Dad |
1. What is the purpose of the greeting card?
A. To give support
B. To show happiness
C. To give some flying colour
D. To show appreciation
Pembahasan jawaban nomor 1
Text di atas merupakan congratulation card, yang berarti bertujuan untuk memberikan selamat atas pencapaian studi si anak (Yudhistiro). Di antara pilihan, jawaban paling cocok adalah D (to show appreciation - untuk memperlihatkan apresiasi/penghargaan.
2. Why are Yudhistiro's parents so proud of him?
A. He has done the test.
B. He has finished his study.
C. He is the best in his school.
D. He can show his achievement.
B. He has finished his study.
C. He is the best in his school.
D. He can show his achievement.
Pembahasan jawaban nomor 2
Di teks, disampaikan bahwa 'you have finished your study with flying color', yang berarti si anak telah menyelesaikan studinya dengan sangat baik. `With flying color` bermakna dengan nilai yang sangat baik.
3. The word "achievement" is closest in meaning to ....
A. accomplishment
B. intelligence
C. ability
D. skill
Pembahasan jawaban nomor 3
'Achievement' dan 'accomplishment' bermakna pencapaian.
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