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Contoh recount text beserta soal dan jawaban: Biography Messi (updated)

Berikut kami bagikan soal recount text beserta pembahasan kunci jawaban. Pembahasan jawaban kami update per June tahun 2021. Teks recount berikut bersumber dari soal Ujian Nasional tahun ajaran 2017.

The following text is for questions 1 and 2.
Luis Lionel Andres Messi, born June 24th, 1987, is an Argentinian football player for F.C Barcelona. He is not very tall, mainly, due to the growing problem he had when he was younger. His eyes are brown. He never has short hair.

Lionel Messi started playing football at a very early age in his hometown’s Newell’s Old Boys. From the age of 11, he suffered from a hormone deficiency and as Lionel’s parents were unable to pay for the treatment in Argentina, they decided to move to Barcelona, Spain.

In the 2003-2004 season, when he was still only 16 years old, Messi made his first-team debut in a friendly with Porto that marked the opening of the new Dragao stadium. The following championship-winning season, Messi made his first appearance in an official match on October 16th, 2004, in Barcelona’s derby win against Espanyol at the Olympic Stadium (0-1). And now, in 2010, 2011, and 2012 he is the best player in the world collecting 3 times for Ballon D`Or.

1. According to the text, Messi’s parents moved to Barcelona ....
(A) because they were very poor in Argentina.
(B) because they wanted Messi to be successful in soccer.
(C) so that Messi could learn in the best soccer club.
(D) to get Messi’s health problem cured.
(E) to find the best treatment to cure Messi’s health problem.

Jawaban yang paling memungkinkan untuk nomor 1 ialah pilihan D (to get Messi’s health problem cured). Di paragraf 2 disebutkan bahwa 'he [Lionel] suffered from a hormone deficiency and as Lionel’s parents were unable to pay for the treatment in Argentina, they decided to move to Barcelona, Spain'. Dalam kalimat ini tidak disebutkan informasi terkait dengan pilihan A, B, dan C, olehnya ketiga opsi ini bisa dipastikan salah. Pilihan D memang terkait masalah kesehatan Messi, tapi secara logika karena orang tuanya tidak bisa membayar biaya pengobatan di Argentina, tidak bisa dikatakan bahwa mereka pindah ke Argentina untuk mencari best treatment (pengobatan terbaik), yang berarti membutuhkan dana yang bisa jadi lebih besar lagi.

2. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?
(A) He hasn’t a really attractive face, but he’s a very good football player.
(B) Lionel Messi is a good player for F.C Barcelona.
(C) His best characteristics are on the foot has competitiveness.
(D) He appears to be a quite good and modest person.
(E) He has long black hair and brown eyes.

Jawaban paling tepat sebagai ide utama paragraf ke 3 ialah Messi merupakan pemain terbaik di dunia, sebagaimana ditekankan di kalimat akhir. Di antara opsi jawaban, jelas pilihan C, D, dan E pasti salah karena tidak disebutkan di paragraf 3. Pilihan disebutkan bahwa Messi merupakan pemain bola yang sangat bagus (he’s a very good football player), tapi disebutkan pula bahwa Messi tidak memiliki wajah yang menarik (He hasn’t a really attractive face). Informasi terkait wajah Messi sama sekali tidak disebutkan di paragraf 3. Olehnya, yang paling memungkinkan sebagai jawaban yang benar, di antara opsi, ialah pilihan B.

Referensi: Soal Ujian Nasional (UN) SMA Tahun 2017.
Muhammad Ahkam Arifin
Muhammad Ahkam Arifin Muhammad Ahkam Arifin is a Fulbright PhD student at Washington State University, US. He earned a master`s degree in TESOL from the University of Edinburgh & Applied Linguistics from the University of Melbourne.

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