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Teks Letter SMP dan Jawaban: Swimming

Contoh soal short text `letter` di bawah ini bersumber dari soal Ujian Nasional tahun 2011/2012 untuk SMP/MTs. 

The following text is for questions number 1 and 2.

Dear Tara,

Remember, we've had an appointment to go to a swimming pool after school. I'll be waiting for you at home. After having lunch and taking a nap, prepare yourself to go.

Don't forget to bring your swimsuit. We will go there by bicycle.

1. What should they do before going to swimming pool? 
A. Make an appointment and prepare everything. 
B. Have lunch and bring a swimsuit. 
C. Take a nap and ride a bicycle. 
D. Have lunch and take a nap. 

2. When will they go to the swimming pool? 
A. In the morning. 
B. In the afternoon. 
C. In the evening. 
D. At night.
Muhammad Ahkam Arifin
Muhammad Ahkam Arifin Muhammad Ahkam Arifin is a Fulbright PhD student at Washington State University, US. He earned a master`s degree in TESOL from the University of Edinburgh & Applied Linguistics from the University of Melbourne.

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