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Teks Report & Pembahasan Jawaban: Seahorse (updated)

The text is for questions 1 to 3.


Many people imagine the seahorse to be a real horse living in the sea. This is not true at all. The seahorse is so-called like this because it is a tiny creature with a horse–liked head that lives in the sea. Seahorses are mostly found in shallow tropical and temperate salt water.

They have a long, flexible tail that is used for wrapping around weeds for support. They swim in an upright position and their movements are helped by a rapidly oscillating fin on their back. 

The most remarkable thing about the seahorses is that part of the process of reproduction is taken over by male creatures. Once the female seahorse has laid her eggs in the male creature’s pouch, she leaves. The hatching of the egg is done by the male. Mating begins with the male and the female seahorses doing courtship dance. The male and female swim around each other in circles. 

At the end of the dance, the male appears to bow to his partner, but actually the male is banding to pump water from his pouch. Next, the female fish lays eggs into the male’s pouch. About two hundred eggs are laid. The pouch then closes up. The female seahorse now swims away, leaving the male to do the hatching. The eggs are hatched about a month later. The young seahorses are ejected from the male’s pouch by means of muscular contractions. 

1. What is the purpose of the text?
a. to inform readers the sea – horse’s process of reproduction
b. to persuade readers to breed the seahorse
c. to explain how to bread the seahorse
d. to describe a particular seahorse
e. to describe a particular sea horse

Pembahasan jawaban nomor 1
Teks di atas merupakan report text, jadi tentunya fungsinya untuk mendeskripsikan suatu object. Pilihan E tidak bisa, karena tidak ada `sea horse`, tapi yang ada ialah 'seahorse'. (Ini dijelaskan di kalimat pertama).

2. Based on the text, where are seahorses mostly found?
a. in a river
b. in the deep sea
c. in the very cold sea
d. in the warm sea
e. in a lake

Pembahasan jawaban nomor 2
Jawaban untuk nomor 2 ialah D (in the warm sea), sebagaimana disampaikan di paragraf awal 'Seahorses are mostly found in shallow tropical and temperate salt water.' Kata `temperate` bermakna tidak begitu dingin, dan tidak pula begitu panas, yg berarti suhunya warm. Pilihan yang lain tidak disebutkan. 

3. What does the author think about the seahorse’s reproduction process? 
a. Amazing 
b. Exciting 
c. Peculiar 
d. Strange 
e. Unique

Pembahasan jawaban nomor 3 (model 1)
Di paragraf ke 3, penulis mengatakan 'The most remarkable thing about the seahorses is ...', yg berarti bagi si penulis proses reproduksi dari kuda laut ialah `remarkable`, yang artinya mirip dengan `amazing` (pilihan A). Jawaban lain yang paling medekati, ialah B (exciting), sementara pilihan C (aneh), D (aneh) dan E (unik) kurang lebih memiliki makna yg sama.

Untuk soal nomor 3 bisa juga diganti dengan soal berikut (piliha salah satu dari ke dua soal ini):

3. What makes the seahorse remarkable?
a. its size
b. its shape
c. its rapid movement
d. its respiratory process
e. its reproduction process

Pembahasan jawaban nomor 3 (model 2)
Di paragraf ke 3, penulis mengatakan 'The most remarkable thing about the seahorses is ...', yg berarti bagi si penulis proses reproduksi dari kuda laut itu `remarkable`.

4. The male seahorse has a pouch in its abdomen to ….? 
a. hatch the eggs. 
b. feed the baby seahorse. 
c. eject the young seahorses. 
d. keep some food for its babies. 
e. pump water from its abdomen.

Pembahasan jawaban nomor 4
Di passage dikatakan 'Once the female seahorse has laid her eggs in the male creature’s pouch, she leaves. The hatching of the egg is done by the male' [paragraf 3]. Ini menandakan fungsi dari pouch si laki-laki ialah untuk 'hatch the eggs'. Jadi, jawabannya ialah pilihan A (hatch the eggs).

Muhammad Ahkam Arifin
Muhammad Ahkam Arifin Muhammad Ahkam Arifin is a Fulbright PhD student at Washington State University, US. He earned a master`s degree in TESOL from the University of Edinburgh & Applied Linguistics from the University of Melbourne.

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