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Answer Key for Exercise 4 & TOEFL Exercise 4

Exercise 4: In this exercise, read the short conversation and question, underline the clues that help you answer the question, and then choose the best answer. You will have to draw conclusions about who, what, and where.

1.   (man)         I'd like to deposit this check in my account, please.
      (woman)    Would you like any cash back?
      (narrator)    Who is the woman?

     (A) A store clerk.
     (B) A Bank Teller.
     (C) An Accountant.
     (D) A Waitress.

2.  (woman)     Have you deposited your paycheck yet?
     (man)          No, but that's next on my list of errands.
    (narrator)     What will the man probably do?

       (A) Earn his paycheck.
       (B) Write a check for a deposit on an apartment.
       (C) Go to a bank.
       (D) Make a list of errands to run.

3.  (man)           Did you get the bread, eggs, and milk?
      (woman)     Now we need to stand in line at the checkout counter.
      (narrator)    Where does the conversation probably take places?

      (A) In a restaurant.
      (B) At a library.
      (C) On a farm.
      (D) In a market.

TOEFL EXERCISE 4: In this exercise, listen carefully to the short conversation and question on the tape, and then choose the best answer to the question. You will have to draw conclusions about who, what, and where.

1. (A) In the photography studio.
(B) In a biology laboratory.
(C)In an office.
(D)In the library.

2. (A) He’s a pilot.
(B) He’s a flight attendant.
(C)He’s a member of the grounds crew.
(D)He works clearing land.

3. (A) Wash the dishes immediately.
(B) Use as many dishes as possible.
(C)Wash   the   dishes   for   as   long   as possible.
(D)Wait until later to clean up.

4. (A) In a bank.
(B) In a restaurant.
(C)At a service station.
(D)In a beautiful salon.

5. (A) A salesclerk in a shoe store.
(B) A shoe repair person.
(C)A party caterer.
(D)A salesclerk in a fixtures department.

6. (A) On a playground.
(B) In a parking lot.
(C)At a zoo.
(D)In a photo studio.

7. (A) Respond to the mail.
(B) Put the letters in a file.
(C)It depends on where the files is.
(D)File the answers she received to the letters.

8. (A) In an airplane.
(B) In a police car.
(C)In a theater.
(D)At a fireworks exhibit.

9. (A) Take care of Bob.
(B) Invite Bob to dinner.
(C)Let Bob know that they accept his invitation.
(D)Respond to the woman’s question.

10.(A) A pharmacist.
(B) A dentist.
(C)A teacher.
(D)A business manager.

1 komentar untuk "Answer Key for Exercise 4 & TOEFL Exercise 4 "

  1. Jim is always busy everyday. He has to check the tools in their place to clean them, help the instructor to prepare them for practice, and report if the tools are broken. Who is the? *
    He is a manager.
    He is a tool man.
    He is a mechanic.
    He is an engineer.
