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Cara Membuat Pidato Berbahasa Inggris

Cara Membuat Pidato Berbahasa Inggris

Struktur sebuah pidato dapat digambarkan secara sederhana sebagai berikut:
1.      Addresses (penyampaian kepada hadirin)
Bentuk penyapaan yang umum digunakan yaitu:
a.       The Honorable Susilo Bambang Yudoyono, The President of Indonesia,
b.      The Honorable Governor Anis Matta,
c.       The Honorable Azhar Arsyad, The Rector of UIN Alauddin,

d.      The Honorable Muh. Idil, The Principal of SMAN 1 Lasusua,
e.      The Honorable Andi Magfirah, The Academic Manager of MPC (Multi Prima College),
f.        The Honorable Maya Himayah, As Our Teacher in This Subject,
g.       The Honorable ..., The Minister of ....,
h.      The Honorable Sabaruddin, the Prsident of NGC (New Generation Club),
i.         Honorable ..., Speaker Of The President,
j.        Your Excellency, General ..., The Commander in Chief, Army of Indonesia,
k.       Dear Friends,
l.         Dear Brothers and Sisters,
m.    Ladies and Gentleman,

2.      Greetings (salam)
Contoh salam:
a.       Asssalamu ‘alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,
b.      Good morning,
c.       Good afternoon,
d.      Good evening,

3.      Opening/introduction (pembukaan)
Tujuan dari pembukaan yaitu bagaimana kita mampu untuk mendapatkan perhatian dari para hadirin, dan untuk menyampaikan maksud ataupun judul dari pidato yang akan kita sampaikan.
Contoh pembukaan:
a.       First of all, let me say thank you to the organizing committee, who has given me an opportunity to deliver a speech on the topic ”....’’
b.      Firstly, i would like to extend my very sincere gratitude to  the dean of the faculty for inviting me as a guest-speaker. It is a pleasure for me to have this opportunity to deliver a speech with the title “...”
c.       At the first place, allow me to express my appreciation to all of you for spending your time to come here, and of course for the organizing committees, who sincerely have spent their time to initiate this seminar. In this occasion i would like to speak about “...”
d.      May i tell you, first of all, how pleased I am to have an opportunity to stand in front of you all to deliver a speech before you. My speech title this time is “...”
e.      It is an honor for me to be given a chance to deliver a speech on the subject of “...”

4.      Body (isi)
Badan ataupun isi dalam sebuah pidato merupakan jantung dari pidato itu sendiri. Di sinilah kita akan membahas inti dari pidato yang akan kita sampaikan.

5.      Closing (penutup)
Bagian penutup dalam sebuah pidato sangat penting karena bagian penutup memberikan kesempatan terakhir kepada pembicara untuk memperjelas atau mengingatkan kembali ide-idenya.
Contoh penutup:
a.       Finally, I would like to conclude that one point we should know is that ... (inti dari pidato/kesimpulan dari pidato secara singkat). And thank you for  your attention. I am looking forward to seeing you again in another opportunity.
Thank you very much!
b.      In conclusion, I hope you can get some points of my speech, and thank you so much for your attention.
c.       Lastly, I sincerely hope that you can get some profit of what I have delivered, and I thank for your interest.
Dalam bagian akhir sebuah pidato, juga adalah hal yang baik jika kita menutupnya dengan kata-kata mutiara yang sarat akan makna dan hikmah.
In parting, allow me to tell you, as a Guru once said. That God is very shy. He will not come to you unless He knows that you want Him. So, keep in your mind, always take time to commune with Him. Don’t let any single minute pass without filling your mind with God. Allah bless you!
Thank you very much!

NOTE! Jangan memakai kata-kata yang bermaksud merendahkan diri, seperti:
a.       I know that I have not done this speech very well.
b.      I know that anyone else could have done better than me.
c.       I hope you can apologize me for the lack of preparation.
d.      I do apologize if I have made some mistakes during my delivery.

6.      Thanking (ucapan terima kasih)
a.       Thank you,
b.      Thank you very much,
c.       Thank you very, very much,
d.      Thank you indeed,
e.      Thank you a lot for your attention,
Muhammad Ahkam Arifin
Muhammad Ahkam Arifin Muhammad Ahkam Arifin is a Fulbright PhD student at Washington State University, US. He earned a master`s degree in TESOL from the University of Edinburgh & Applied Linguistics from the University of Melbourne.

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